Monday, February 23, 2009


Well Hello!
Welcome to Equals Change.
It's a pretty simple site right now, but my hope is to share this with everyone in the summer.
In the mean time, feel free to post comments, thoughts, pictures, a hello, whatever...right here.

*updated thought: If you have a loved one who is sad because they didn't get a letter and they feel that they should have one because I asked them for their address, it's coming. I'm doing them in ABC order by first name...started this on Tuesday, 2.22.


In Class

1 comment:

  1. I first have to say that it is such an honor to be a part of this amazing expression. It is 6:45am on a saturday, and I haven't looked at my snail mail in days due to my tooth extraction issue all week long. I decided to sift thru the mail and what did I find, but this AMAZING piece of art with such an inspiring personalized message attached! Needless to say, it made me weep for joy.

    As the tears rolled down my face, I realized that at this very moment, I was questioning my affect on teaching students living with Autism. This small but BIG piece of art, has reaffirmed my abilities and dreams to create hope, joy, and forthrightness for these amazing people. To know that others such as you Candice , have taken notice of how passionate I am means more than you can even imagine to me as a soul in human form.

    This piece of your amazing talent will be placed in my classroom and put on my desk where I can look at it everyday and be reminded of why, how, and what I believe teaching is about. Thank you so very much for this gift. You inspire me and i am extremely grateful to call you my dear close friend! I am also very honored to be the first blog comment for you to! MUCH LOVE to you!!
